

#口罩 #HealthScope #肺炎 #新冠肺炎 #成人外科口罩 #外科口罩

GNM 石榴汁 70ml*30

GNM 石榴汁 70ml*30

HK$ 680

Main function:

 *Fruit with the most antioxidants
 *Can improve blood circulation, adjust blood pressure, lower blood lipid and cholesterol
 *Can be removed The accumulation of fat in the inner walls of blood vessels makes the blood vessels flow unobstructed.
 *Enhance heart function and effectively reduce the risk of heart disease
 *Maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels
 *Help improve and Maintain the health of the prostate
 *Promote improvement and enhance physiological function
 *Help to relieve arthritis


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